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When Things are Correlated, Do they Cause Each Other?

We’ve talked about how popular the concept of correlation is in business analytics. Causation, and its variants are also used rather commonly. This makes it easy to mistakenly connect the two popular terms and even use them interchangeably. The Latin phrase, cum...
Why’s Data Important – What’s the Deal?

Why’s Data Important – What’s the Deal?

| "Sexiest job of the 21st century" You’ve heard it before – the Harvard Business Review called the statistician’s job the “sexiest job of the 21st century”. Various other gurus have called data, “the new oil”, alluding...
What is Linear Correlation?

What is Linear Correlation?

The analysis of correlation is an extremely useful technique in business. Naturally, correlations are extremely popular in various analyses. Correlation is measured by a coefficient that is a statistical estimation of the strength of relationship between data. The...