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Using Central Tendency Measures to Describe Data

The term central tendency refers to some values that tend to describe the centre of the complete data set. There are different measures of central tendency. Each of them give us one single number that attempts to summarise the entire data set within itself. Why do we...

Talking about Quartiles

Quartiles are a frequently used method to split the data and understand the spread. In general, data can be divided in various groupings such that an equal number of points are in each group. Such groups are formed by cutting at specific points called quantiles. If...

What is Linear Correlation?

The analysis of correlation is an extremely useful technique in business. Naturally, correlations are extremely popular in various analyses. Correlation is measured by a coefficient that is a statistical estimation of the strength of relationship between data. The...

Building Nonlinear Regression Models

We have talked about regression models in the context of linear regression models in the previous post. A nonlinear regression model is one that describes a nonlinear relationship between the dependent and the independent variables. Naturally, the equation of the...

Building Linear Regression Models

What is regression? In the dictionary, the word regression basically means 'to go back'. In terms of statistics too, the meaning is not too different - it means 'to go back to the past data to explain the process that generates the data'. In statistics, a model is a...

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