Welcome to Helpful Stats!
Follow along the content using the topic names below. The topics are grouped for easier navigation.
The Basics
- What’s the deal about data?
- Are all data created equal?
- Describe data with central tendency
- What’s Data Visualisation?
- Common chart types
- Create awesome charts on Excel
- Create your first dashboard on Excel
- Data cleaning and preparation
- PivotTables
Statistics Stuff
- Correlations
- What’s Probability?
- Introducing the Normal Distribution
- What are sampling techniques?
- Estimation techniques
- Confidence intervals
- Hypothesis testing
- Z tests
- Paired and Unpaired t-tests
- One-way ANOVA
- Parametric tests
- Non-parametric tests
More on Statistics
- Linear regression models
- Nonlinear regression models
- Multiple regression models
- What-if and Goal-seek in Excel
- Using the Analysis ToolPak
- Descrriptive statistics
- Regression analysis
- Linear optimisation
- Nonlinear optimisation
- Binary models
- Integer models
- Decision analysis
- Advanced Data Modelling with PowerPivot
- Time-series forecasting
- Seasonal decomposition
- Trend Analysis
- Build a dashboard with Pivot Charts