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Take a quiz – Central Tendency and Dispersion

1. Which is the most suitable measure of central tendency for a large data set with no outliers?  Mean  Median  Mode  Variance 2. To get a good idea about the nature of the data, which of the following should be stated together?  Mode and...
Using Central Tendency Measures to Describe Data

Using Central Tendency Measures to Describe Data

The term central tendency refers to some values that tend to describe the centre of the complete data set. There are different measures of central tendency. Each of them give us one single number that attempts to summarise the entire data set within itself. Why do we...

Measuring the Spread of Data

We have already seen how it is easier to describe data using a single measure of central tendency, such as, average. Now, take a look at the following data: The average score for both students is equal. However, John is consistent at everything, while Arun is...